In October 2024, the Principal Investigator, Goran Musić, presented our project and its findings in the United States. The first stop was the North American Labor History Conference, held at Wayne State University (Detroit) on the theme of Labor and Democracy. This conference was an excellent opportunity to promote the upcoming chapter co-written by Goran Musić and Immanuel Harisch, dealing with the history of workers’ participation in Zambia. The paper was presented on a panel organized jointly with Ana Kladnik, Jakub Šlouf, and Nina Vodopivec titled “Labor in Socialist and Non-Aligned States between Dissent and Participation.” The second stop was CUNY Brooklyn College’s Graduate Center for Worker Education in New York City. Professor Immanuel Ness hosted Goran Musić as part of his seminar on the political economy of development. The project presentation was well received and discussed lively with the students. We hope there will soon be another opportunity to present our research to colleagues and students in the United States.