Roundtable Participation: ‘Visions and Practices of Democracy’ at the University of Graz

On May 15, 2024, Goran Musić and Immanuel Harisch participated in a roundtable “Visions and Practices of Democracy” organized by Institute of Sociology (Ana Kladnik) & South East European History and Anthropology (Hanna Stein) at the University of Graz. The roundtable was part of the preparation of an edited volume on alternative forms of democratic participation in socialist and postcolonial countries during the Cold War. Musić and Harisch spoke about the mutual visits of state delegations between Zambia and Yugoslavia and their exchanges on labor, workers’ participation and development within the frame of Non-Aligned Movement. We thank the organizers for this opportunity to present the upcoming book chapter on Zambian industrial participatory democracy and look forward to future collaboration.